Infrastructure as a code is the important concept in cloud engineering which manages the lifecycle of resources OR infrastructure similar like the software code. This happens through the machine readable definition files rather than physical hardware configuration files OR tools.
Pulumi is an emerging, modern infrastructure as a code SDK which enables you to plan, create , deploy and manage the resources or infrastructure to any cloud.
Pulumi plays the vital role in cloud engineering. It supports number of tools and cloud providers with which you can deploy the infrastructure.
Currently the biggest player in this space is Terraform. However, the issue with Terraform is , you need to learn the HCL (Hashicorp Configuration Language) and define all your configurations in HCL and then spin up the resources and infrastructure. You can not use the language of your choice to code the configuration and deploy the resources.
Pulumi supports number of language’s in which you can write the code and get started . As of this witting it supports:
- NodeJS
- Go
- Python
- .Net Core
Here is the difference between Terraform and Pulumi
Just to benefit the community , have published the series of videos to get acquainted with pulumi and Azure.
Thank you.
Great content! Keep up the good work!
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